Want to learn more?

Bring in the Apiary team for a PS 101!

Who should attend?

Anyone who works in the reproductive health, rights, and justice movement interested in understanding what practical support is and what it would mean to provide it.

We especially encourage direct service staff who want to learn what resources are available for their clients to join, as well as advocacy and research groups looking to understand how this work could affect their own.

What is PS 101?

PS 101 is an hour-long training provided by the team at Apiary for Practical Support that gives people interested in understanding or providing logistical assistance to clients obtaining abortion care an overview on what the work is and how it is done.

PS 101 can be tailored to a particular audience as needed; we will work with you to create a training that covers the unique interests or expertise of your team.

Topics Covered

For all attendees:

  • Our definition of “practical support”

  • Description of how and why practical support exists within abortion access

  • An overview of the current landscape and how it is expected to shift

For organizations looking to start providing PS:

  • Best practices and considerations to make when deciding what practical support to offer and how

  • Exercises to think strategically and expansively about the work and your capacity to provide it


To plan your PS 101 training and discuss and our sliding scale fees