Roe fell. Now what?

Yesterday was a hard day. The Supreme Court did what we hoped against hope they wouldn’t - they overruled the will of the people and overturned Roe v. Wade. This already has and will continue to have devastating impacts on reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy. Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, queer and trans people, and poor people will bear the brunt of this decision. As you’re reading this, there are multiple states that have already shut down abortion services and more that will follow suit in the coming days and weeks.  

We know you’re angry. We know you’re exhausted. We are, too. 

Here are some actionable things to help channel some rage, spread your support, and show up for abortion access:

  • Find & donate to your local practical support organization. Consider becoming a monthly donor – these organizations are going to need all of our support for months and years to come. If there is not a local near you, donate to the regional and national ones. They will be carrying a lot of the heavy lifting.

  • Know where to find your nearest abortion clinic, fund and practical support organization. We have built a directory with the team at INeedAnA and the National Network of Abortion Funds provides the most up-to-date information about clinics, practical support, and funding resources available to people seeking abortion care.

  • Speaking of clinics - none of this happens without them. Donate to Keep Our Clinics to keep their doors open as long as possible and allow clinics in safe states to grow their teams to help more patients traveling from afar.

  • Support our work to uplift, improve, and expand practical support across the country. We are here to help you and practical support organizations navigate this new reality and your donations mean that we can expand our team to meet a growing need.

The fight is long, and we are not giving up. Apiary and our community of practical support organizations will continue to make abortions possible for the hundreds of thousands of people who will need them. We hope you will fight alongside us – we can’t do it without you!

With heavy, exhausted, yet hopeful hearts,
Marisa & Tessa


A love letter from the Executive Director


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